1. Write down a list of scenes which you’d like to investigate as part of your Animated Short.
Also include a list of objects/features and or characters which play an important role in your story. Fictional or not please write down their characteristics and features.
I made this list according to my draft script:
- Established Shot - City Scapes - Textures, perspective etc.
- Focus Shot - busy street, fore and background.
- Point of View Shot and Low Angle - view of passers by
- Close Up Shot - Shadey characters face.
- Over the Shoulder Shot - first see the org character in front of Shadey.
- Point of View and Low Angle - looking at orb.
- Point of View Shot - Follow Shadey standing up and leaving his dark place.
- One Point Perspective Shot - Runs down the street after the orb.
- Close Up - catches orb.
- Point of View - Looking at his hands. Burst of light.
- Pan Upwards Shot - From Shadey's feet to head.
- Close Up - Shadey's surprised and then happy face.
- Over the Shoulder and Low Angle Shot - Female figure holding his hand.
- Dark city corners, perhaps old abandoned/ falling apart buildings, alleyways.
- Night time/ Dusk shots - Dark atmosphere, light glows and light reflections.
- Could use a ball for Shadey because his head is very round and a smaller one for the orb.
High angle shot. Modern building. Reflections of light. |
One Point Perspective shot. Busy street view. |
Dark alley way. Shabby looking, secluded. |
Side view of alley way entrance on the street where my character will be found. |
Derelict back alley. Messy and secluded. Could zoom in to find my character |
High angel, tilt. Caged off, secluded, messy area. Possible area to find my character? |
Light glows and light reflections. Light post bulb could represent my character. Purposely blurry to enhance light glow. |
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